• A giant, a dwarf, and three doomed circus animals . . .
  • a story about surviving, and finding hope when the world is at its darkest.
  • Everyone is incommunicado
    in the small, sleepy Oregon
    coastal town of Sea Park.

    Until Pearl Harbor, that is ...
  • Every life has a cornerstone.
    A few are made of duty,
    honor and blood.
  • And then,
    there is a
  • That
    Official Website of
    author Randall Platt

Yep, that’s me. Randall Platt, right there on the theater seats along with my books, audios, and if you look closely, you’ll even see a DVD of a film based on one of my earlier novels. And yep, Randall Platt is my given name. It usually got me a boy locker partner and a notice to report to the draft board, along with the never-ending, always irritating challenge:  “That’s your name?” You can call me Randi. I’m just happy to be called!

This is my latest release! Get more info by clicking on the Wha Snoo sticky note. It’s finding a great readership from kids of all ages which is why my tagline has always been:

Randall Platt writes fiction for adults and young adults and those who don’t own up to being either.

Welcome to this place and visit often for updates. I am on Facebook and look forward to connecting via that site or heck, you can contact me the ‘old-fashioned’ way – email! Here tis: [email protected]